Friday, June 29, 2007

Google Makes its Way into Mainstream Dictionaries

Who had ever thought that Google, the internet search engine company formed by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and the hottest stock in U.S. right now had its trademark name "Google" officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) on June 15, 2006, and to the 11th edition of the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary in July 2006 due to its popular usage. I was wondering why Yahoo! never reach this kind of pinnacle and popularity among netizens.

For instance, consider usage like this: -

Please Google (search) for me the stock price as well as the company information of Google Inc.


Please Yahoo! (???) for me the stock price as well as the company information of Google Inc.


Which one sounds nicer?

Google was last traded at Nasdaq at USD525.01 as of 28 June 2007.


Main Entry: goo·gle
Pronunciation: 'gü-g&l
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): goo·gled; goo·gling /-g(&-) li[ng]/
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Google, trademark for a search engine
: to use the Google search engine to obtain information about (as a person) on the World Wide Web

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