Friday, May 25, 2007

The day when 'Traverse the Nivek's Mind' is born

Remember this date: 25th May 2007 when 'Traverse the Nivek's Mind' is born.

I've been posting blogs from time to time to kill my spare time and recently decided to get serious with blogging. For instance, more frequent posting. So, i shifted my blogs posting from Windows Live Spaces to Blogger. I hope all of you like the changes as well. Those who know me could have guessed the reason why I chose "The Nivek" as my nickname here.

Basically, 'Traverse the Nivek's Mind' will cover:

1. The thoughts that go, wander, wonder and ponder in my mind.
2. Travels and excursions that I did; with some photos to share with readers.
3. Equity investment.
4. Criticism on news and developments that happened around us, particularly my country Malaysia.
5. Sports comments, especially football (soccer for some of you) and a little bit of others.
6. Book's review.
7. My leisure activities.
8. Et cetera.

Let's get started and peace to the world. :-)

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